Vancouver Iranian Choir (Vanchoir) invites composers from all around the world to compose “piece for peace”.
Deadline: November 30th 2019
Vanchoir needs new scores for the future concert on 21st September 2020 (The International Day of Peace) in any languages (preferably Farsi) related to the subject of peace.
Every composer can submit one or more pieces as “Piece for Peace”. The Artistic Panel may select ALL of the pieces or SOME of them or NONE of the pieces by each composer for the concert in 2020.
It is important to visit the website of choir at and consider your piece based on our choir ability.
All composers are welcome to submit their works. Vanchoir Panel will carefully review submissions individually and without regard for age, nationality, gender, and aesthetics.
What to submit:
Send the following materials to
1. A pdf score
2. Text of the Poem (and translation if is not in English or Farsi)
3. CV
4. A recording sample of score or midi or link
The Vanchoir announces the selected pieces in December 2019 by the choir website and sending emails to the composers.
All selected pieces will be perfumed and recorded live in next concert on September 21st 2020 (The International Day of Peace) and will be sent to composers as well.
Piece for Peace
30 Nov 2019
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